Transforming Communities, Empowering Change, Igniting Hope
Nonprofits are integral to social progress. Often on the front-lines of social change, nonprofit employees can lift up the wisdom of the community about what will create effective and lasting impact. Jodevi Consulting helps nonprofits with the many phases of their organizational arc — from startup phase to program development to implementation to succession planning.
Far too often, nonprofit workers are so busy getting the work done that they may not be able to step back long enough to carefully evaluate and adapt strategic approaches and/or to create meaningful organizational tools that provide efficiency and insight. Even if they had the time, in many cases, they do not have the internal resources to do so.
At the same time, funders are increasingly expecting that nonprofit organizations have business tools, adaptive strategies, tested processes and rigorous metrics that provide a sense of accountability and value. Creating these tools, processes and internal capacity without sacrificing mission and organizational integrity is a sweet spot for Jodevi Consulting. Jodevi creates tools and processes that are developed in thought partnership with stakeholders, are accessible and easy to implement and adapt; and are aligned as much as possible with currently utilized systems and processes. We both test and train staff for effective utilization of the tools and processes created. Jodevi also recognizes the importance of having tools and processes that complement one another and that are able to sustain through through changing environments, staff and funding cycles.
High-Functioning Expert Tools
Equip your org with Strategic Planning, Theory of Change, and Mel Plans and Metrics proven tools.
Strategic Planning
Jodevi Consulting can build your organization’s first Strategic Plan or fine-tune one that you already have in place. Jodevi has expertise in different styles of Strategic Plans and will help you develop the one that works best for your organization. The most common elements of Strategic Plans including the following:
Articulation of Mission, Vision, Values
Landscape Analysis
SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
Development of Strategies, Goals and Objectives
Determination of Annual Priorities
Implementation Plan
Theory of Change
A Theory of Change is a visual representation of the approach you are going to use in creating the impact you want to make in the world. A Theory of Change essentially says. "We want to achieve this mission and this is how we believe we will get to that impact." For example, one children's rights nonprofit might focus on creating change through working with the media while others might believe that work at the grassroots level is more impactful.
There are many types of Theories of Change. Some people think of a Logic Model as a Theory of Change. A Logic Model usually has the following sequential elements:
Inputs (resources like money and staff)
Outputs (activities)
Outcomes (the changes resulting from your activities)
Big Impact (mission).
Working together and aligned to your Strategic Plan, we will craft a Theory of Change for your organization that is compelling to funders, accessible to stakeholders and, most importantly, a guide to you internally.
MEL Plans and Metrics
As social impact organizations work toward change, they need to think about whether they are creating the outcomes and impact to which they aspire. Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plans provide a mechanism for that assessment. MEL Plans also provide Strategic Learning opportunities for an organization. For example, they can help you determine which strategies to tweak or change if you are not achieving the outcomes you thought you would (or targets you thought you would hit).
A MEL Plan can be developed in many different forms and detail levels. Jodevi Consulting will design the one that fits your organization. Further, Jodevi Consulting will align your Measurement, Evaluation and Learning Plan to other critical organizational tools including your Strategic Plan, Theory of Change and Grant Reports and Proposals.
Additional areas of expertise
One of the key strengths of Jodevi Consulting lies in the diverse range of nonprofit expertise it offers. These other areas of nonprofit proficiency that Jodevi provides include:
How to Start your Nonprofit
Program Strategy and Design
Program Implementation
Capacity Planning
Executive Leadership Coaching
Leadership Pipeline Creation and Succession Planning
Network and Partnership Building
Grant Reporting and Writing
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